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The Chinese tourist’s evolution in 2023
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The Chinese tourist’s evolution in 2023

The stereotype of a group of Chinese tourists leaving a bus, their cameras ready to shoot, as they go sightseeing in a tourist site. Chinese tourism travel habits are also changing. According to recent statistics, Chinese travelers are increasingly turning down group trips to go on an adventure of their own. They seem to have more…

Australia is the most desired destination for Chinese tourists for 2023

Australia is the most desired destination for Chinese tourists for 2023

China has almost three years closed its borders, Chinese Really want to travel, you have are able to travel freely again from januray 2023. It is a dream to travel in Australia for Chinese POSITIVE NEWS Data from online searches for visa applications in Asustralia and flight bookings have increased a lot since Chinese governement…

Chinese Tourism Market.. the more you wait, the harder it gets !
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Chinese Tourism Market.. the more you wait, the harder it gets !

A Fast Paced Market ‘’I want to work on commission”, “please find me contacts of Chinese travel agencies”, “I will wait until I am fully convinced that the Chinese market is the best deal”, “I want to attract european tourists at first’’, etc … If you are still needing to be convinced that these methods…

Chinese Travellers spent $73.7 million Each Day in US

Chinese Travellers spent $73.7 million Each Day in US

Chinese Tourists Spent $73.7 million Each Day in US Last Year Last year, according to Xinhua report, 2.59 Chinese visited US, and did shopping there. In 2015, the shopping centers, hotels, luxury stores and retail stores were the places where Chinese tourists spent the most. The number of Chinese tourists has been increased by 18…

Chinese tourists will spend over $255 billion oversea by 2025
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Chinese tourists will spend over $255 billion oversea by 2025

A recent report showed that the increasing number of Chinese outbound tourists will spend for over $255 billion abroad by 2025 Chinese tourists to conquer to world Over the next decade, Chinese outbound tourism is expected to remain the largest travelling force around the world, totaling about $255 billion spent abroad. Oxford Economics carried out…

Go mobile to attract Chinese tourists
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Go mobile to attract Chinese tourists

According to the last report from, Chinese tourists should be around 174 million by 2019 to spend $264 million overseas. They will be mainly constituted of techsavy millennials with important buying power. Young Chinese are well on their way to take over the Chinese outbound market and hotel owner should stay aware of this….

Massive tour groups are the hot trend in Chinese outbound tourism!

Massive tour groups are the hot trend in Chinese outbound tourism!

In China, you send no less than 4000 employees at a time! A trip offered by our boss ? Do not reject it ! Chinese cosmetics company called Perfect’s bosses recently decided to send their 4,500 employees on a trip to Netherlands. These ones can be added to the list that just emerged about Chinese…

Mao Tu Ying, the new name for TripAdvisor in China

Mao Tu Ying, the new name for TripAdvisor in China

TripAdvisor symbol is recognized . The brand has decided to change its name in China, DaoDao become Mao Tu Ying. It’s a combination between “owl” and “journey”, two words which well described the goal of TripAdvisor. Why TripAdvisor changes its name in China? Mao Tu Ying will now be used as the global brand in order…

A Chinese CEO offers a trip to France for 6,400 of his employees!

A Chinese CEO offers a trip to France for 6,400 of his employees!

Major companies for massive inbound Chinese tourists ! This extraordinary journey requires a logistic up to it. It was aboard 84 commercial flights that Chinese workers landed on 5 May in Paris. It’s a major challenge for the French authorities. Atout France, which ensures promoting France abroad, was on the warpath. From the airport, formalities…