Chinese Tourists can not go shopping in Hong Kong for the golden week
Chinese tourists for the holiday use to travel in Hong Kong
Usually, tourists from mainland China come to Hong Kong in this first week of October to do shopping. From October 1 to 7, the Chinese are indeed on holiday for the “Golden Week”, which celebrates the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949.
Shopping place are blocked by demonstrations
But this year, they are more rare. This holiday falls in the middle of the pro-democracy protests that agitate the former British colony. Protesters block strategic locations downtown, including shopping areas in Central, Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui.
VISA are stopped for mainland Chinese
Chinese authorities have also asked tour operators to stop organizing stays in the area until further notice, reports the local newspaper South China Morning Post (in English).
Pro Democratic movements hurt the Business
Nathan Road, one of the shopping streets, the shops are empty. “It hurts really business laments Merry Djong, a shop assistant jewelry and accessories. I only had two or three customers today.”
The few Chinese tourists made the trip range from anger, amusement and amazement. “Protests? Riots? To express their dissatisfaction with the company, right?” Says Huang Xiao-ming, a resident of Guangzhou. “I have no idea. This is my first day in Hong Kong and I wonder what is happening.”
Tourist from China came hundreds of times in Hong Kong, acknowledged that he had “heard any information on events in China.” Some Chinese are, in turn, came specifically to attend events. David Zhang, a consultant for 24 years, arrived Tuesday in the process of Dongguang. “This is a strong democracy is not imposed by the West but by local students message,” he says. For him, “everyone should have the right to choose their government.”
More new about Chinese tourists here