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Chinese tourists eager to see Disneyland Shanghai
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Chinese tourists eager to see Disneyland Shanghai

Chinese eager to see Disneyland Shanghai The amusement park long-awaited has not opened yet but Chinese tourists still came to see. Chinese tourists excited about the opening of a new theme park, opening scheduled for June 16. They still came to visit the Disney Village located next to the park during the Labor Day Monday,…

Medical Tourism is booming in China

Medical Tourism is booming in China

Medical tourism is expanding all over the world ! People in the world wants to enjoy the best medical treatments. Especially in countries where medical systems are not effective or too expensive. That’s why, medical tourism is expanding in various countries and for different reasons. Chinese Medical Tourism   Western tourists are interesting in Chinese medical…

Big announcement about Disneyland Shanghai!
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Big announcement about Disneyland Shanghai!

The new Disneyland in Shanghai will not open before June 16th, but we’ve got a huge news for Disneyland nerds… Tickets for Disneyland Shanghai’s opening available on March, 28th! Shanghai’s most wanted Disneyland park will open its ticketing by the end of March. The sales should be incredible because of the tourism sector, which is booming…

Chinese tourists spent $12.2 billion in Japan last year

Chinese tourists spent $12.2 billion in Japan last year

Chinese tourists are a source of revenue for the Japanese economy and they doubled their hotel stays in 2015, and spend more. They are used on objects rather than on products such as electrical appliances. +111% on Hotels ! The number of nights visitors from mainland China stayed in hotels in Japan increased by over…

What the Top 5 tourism CEO think about Chinese outbound tourism for 2016

What the Top 5 tourism CEO think about Chinese outbound tourism for 2016

The number of Chinese traveling abroad can be compared to the total population in Russia adding with the half of the population in Brazil. China has evolved rapidly in a very short time. The Chinese have a strong buying power regarding at Leisure and Trips. Sephen Kauer, Trip Advisor The Chinese market It’s definitely a…

More Chinese second-tier cities are expected to travel to international destinations

More Chinese second-tier cities are expected to travel to international destinations

China provides more and more travellers: it is estimated that more than 200 million trips will be taken by Chinese tourists in 2015. It also seems that the profile of Chinese tourists is slowly changing. According to China Outbound Tourism Research Institute (COTRI), we should expect more travellers coming from second- and third- tier cities….

Macao most disappointing destination for Chinese tourists

Macao most disappointing destination for Chinese tourists

Despite the rumors that Macao is less attractive, extra effort from the local government to attract Chinese tourists and thus seeing them spend more time and money   +14% tourists in Macao In August, the statistics of Macao’s government have highlighted an increase of 14% of tourists traffic, a drop of 1.7% in comparaison with last…